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configuration improvements for the PLT webserver?


I'd like to propose a few minor changes that *might* improve the
webserver configuration:

   (1) add a handler for CGIs based on extension (ala apache):

(define cgi-script-extension
  (make-parameter null (lambda (x)
			 (if (list? x) x
			     (error 'cgi-script-extension
				    "list of CGI extensions expected")))))
; cgi-extension? : str  -> bool
(define cgi-extension?
  (lambda (file)
    (let ((match (regexp-match "\\..*" file)))
      (and match
	   (member (car match) (cgi-script-extension))))))

and of course, modify cgi-bin? as in:

(define cgi-bin? (lambda (x)
		   (or ((prefix? "/cgi-bin/") x)
		       (cgi-extension? x))))

then export the `cgi-script-extension' in the web-main^ signature, and
now people can use:

(cgi-script-extension '(".cgi" ".ss"))

thus bypassing the "cgi-bin" subdirectory restriction.

   (2) How about converting the DEFAULT-SEARCHES var into a parameter?
this way, people could do things like:

(DEFAULT-SEARCHES '("index.html" "index.ss"))
(cgi-script-extension '(".ss"))

and have people directed to their default site:


where an index.ss script would execute, and generate the front end
page, with on the fly information.  Same thing for every other
subdirectory on the webserver file system.

   (3) Add a log facility that uses the Common Logfile Format, so that
we could reuse existing tools like: webalizer, analog, wwwstat, etc.

What do you guys think?
