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RE: type_writer problem
> > We actually looked into this a few months ago. We concluded,
> > unfortunately, that the package was still not polished
> > enough at that time to link into Mz/DrScheme. Perhaps
> > that will change now.
> Hmmm... I am very tempted to respond to this pompous asshole,
> but I guess I'll give him a chance to fix the bug mentioned
> above. Polish your code, buster!
Ummm, Bill, I wrote that message -- please tone down your comments.
We corresponded about your sound package some months ago, if
you recall. There was nothing wrong with the package,
but there were some integration issues, and it hadn't been ported
to all the platforms we wanted. So we concluded there were
simpler strategies for sound for now. I certainly didn't mean
to cause you or anyone offense.
-- Paul