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RE: Scheme_Manager_Reference and friends
>>>>> "PAS" == Paul A Steckler <psteckler@earthlink.net> writes:
>> one of our extensions uses scheme_add_managed(),
>> Scheme_Manager_Reference, etc. However, in newer MzScheme
>> those things simply disappeared. Aren't they not needed no
>> more, or what should we replace those with?
PAS> I believe items with Manager in their name now have Custodian
PAS> in their name.
Matthew, it seems like the following should be mentioned in
Index: MzScheme_200.txt
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/AnonCVS/plt/notes/mzscheme/MzScheme_200.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -u -r1.14 MzScheme_200.txt
--- MzScheme_200.txt 2001/06/19 02:08:33 1.14
+++ MzScheme_200.txt 2001/06/25 12:06:20
@@ -131,6 +131,13 @@
either replaced by `unit/sig' names or eliminated in favor of
existing `unit/sig' names.
+Warning to MzScheme extensions writers:
+ * Scheme_Manager_Reference from `scheme.h' is now called
+ Scheme_Custodian_Reference. Same for other symbols with `Manager'.
MzLib changes:
* "functio.ss" was split into "list.ss" and "etc.ss"