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Re: 199.14

>>>>> "MF" == Matthew Flatt <mflatt@cs.utah.edu> writes:


    MF>  * Fixed syntax bugs introduced in 199.13.

There are still couple of bugs with "illegal use of define-values"
that prevent successful completion of ./bin/setup-plt:

setup-plt: Error during Making .zos for mzc (/var/tmp/alexm/plt-linux-build/collects/compiler)
setup-plt:   make: Failed to make compiled/ldr.zo; define-values: illegal use (not at top-level) in ldr.ss:12.2: (define-values (compiler:bad-chars) (string->list "#+-.*/<=>!?:$%_&~^@;^()[]{}|\\,~\"`' "))
setup-plt: Error during Making .zos for HTML (/var/tmp/alexm/plt-linux-build/collects/html)
setup-plt:   make: Failed to make compiled/dtdr.zo; define-values: illegal use (not at top-level) in dtdr.ss:10.3: (define-values (read-sgml-dtd) (lambda (in) (parameterize ((read-case-sensitive #t)) (let ((in (f...

Also, please do the following very obvious corrections :)

Thank you,

Index: mzlib/class-old.ss
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/AnonCVS/plt/collects/mzlib/class-old.ss,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 class-old.ss
--- class-old.ss	2001/04/27 16:05:07	1.4
+++ class-old.ss	2001/06/13 08:18:54
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; This was a fairly simple implementation until it was extended to
 ;;  handle primitive classes (e.g., for MrEd). Now it's a mess.
-(module class mzscheme
+(module class-old mzscheme
   (require-for-syntax (lib "stx.ss""syntax"))
   (define insp (current-inspector))
Index: help/help.proj
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/AnonCVS/plt/collects/help/help.proj,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 help.proj
--- help.proj	2001/01/09 16:49:00	1.6
+++ help.proj	2001/06/13 08:18:54
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
 ; load elaboration files
 ; load main files
-(require-library "sig.ss" "help")
-(require-library "help.ss" "help")
+(require (lib "sig.ss" "help"))
+(require (lib "help.ss" "help"))
Index: help/private/helpwin.ss
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/AnonCVS/plt/collects/help/private/helpwin.ss,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 helpwin.ss
--- helpwin.ss	2001/04/23 00:42:44	1.6
+++ helpwin.ss	2001/06/13 08:18:54
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
                                                        (let ([m (regexp-match re:mzlib-notes s)])
                                                          (and m
-                                                               "Mz/Mr: load with (require-library \"~a.ss\")"
+                                                               "Mz/Mr: load with (require \"~a.ss\")"
                                                                (cadr m)))))
                                            (if lib
