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Re: pre-200 MzScheme compatibility package
>>>>> "RBF" == Robert Bruce Findler <robby@cs.rice.edu> writes:
RBF> `require' has a different semantics than
RBF> `require-library'. `require' expects the file to contain a
RBF> module and `require-library' didn't. So, your definition of
RBF> the `require-library' macro should probably expand to load
RBF> (and with some caching, like require-library used to do).
Hm. I've implemented `require-library' with `load' (searching through
`current-library-collection-paths') and caching.
compat.scm gets loaded with `-f' option. When I do (require-library
"help.ss" "help") (it maps to (load "~/plt/collects/help/help.ss"),
gives "reference to undefined identifier: help-desk". I thought that
(load) uses "current namespace" or something like that and everything
defined in loaded file gets accessible.
The same thing happens when compat.scm is a module loaded with `-t'.
Where am I wrong?