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Re: documentation for MzScheme pre-releases
Quoting Wolfgang Hukriede:
> Robby wrote:
> > Do you find that Help Desk is missing some important feature to make it
> > much worse than Emacs's info system?
> For me it would be sufficient when the Help-Desk files were readable
> with lynx -- are they? (Minor glitches being okay.)
Yes, in principle the manuals are. The front overview pages have Help
Desk-specific extensions, tho. They are treated as comments by lynx,
but you will miss lots of stuff if they aren't there (in particular,
you won't be able to get *to* the manuals easily. But, if you just
point lynx at PLT/collects/doc/*/index.html you should be okay)
> Imo, its still essential that the docs are usable with non-graphical
> equipment, especially considering that mzscheme doesn't rely on
> graphics. Further, some claimed mzscheme might be a usable scripting
> language for sys-admins. In this context a graphical `ide' probably
> would be a show-stopper.
> Definitely one shouldn't be required to download and install Drscheme
> just to be able to read the documentation.
I suppose that makes sense. Given my limited resources, this probably
won't be something that I get too anytime soon.
Right now, the documentation infrastructure is a big mess. We are
improving it, but the documentation documentation isn't as good as the
documentation itself. Perhaps after 200 goes out, we will be in a
position to add the documentation source to the anonymous CVS tree. We
could add it before then, but since it is in flux, I'm not sure it
would be too useful.