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Re: question about DrScheme
> X-Authentication-Warning: fast.cs.utah.edu: majordom set sender to owner-plt-scheme@flux.cs.utah.edu using -f
> X-Sender: tjioe@elang.stts.ac.id (Unverified)
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 05:10:28 +0700
> From: Cynthia <tjioe@elang.stts.ac.id>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Sender: owner-plt-scheme@fast.cs.utah.edu
> Precedence: bulk
> Hi, please introduce. My name is Cynthia.
> I am just a beginner to use DrScheme 101. Only a few days ago. I was trying
> to run some files at htdp like hangman & pingp-play. But I can't do it.
> There was an error message :
> C:\PROGRAM FILES\PLT\collects\htdp\big-draw.ss: 7.20-7.34: Unbound
> signature name: plt:userspace^
> My questions are :
> 1. What's wrong ? What can I do to make it work ?
You seem to be using (require-library "draw.ss") rather than adding the
teachpack via the Langage menu. These are two different mechanisms.
> 2. Can you tell me some collections of interesting artificaial intelligence
> programs that I can run in DrScheme ?
My colleague Devika Subramanian has developed some AI programs in Java and
Scheme. She's compiling a book-size web package over the next six months.
> 3. Do the language of DrScheme using the standard of Scheme language ?
DrScheme is implemented in MzScheme. This language extends R4RS with many
constructs: structures, exceptions, classes, modules, etc. They are
necessary to organize very large, extensible programs such as DrScheme
(200,000 lines of code).
DrScheme provides three plus four languages at the moment. The first three
are so-called teaching languages: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. The
four are full MzScheme with or without graphics, with or without debugging
support. (W/o debugger programs run four to five times faster.)
We call the collection "the PLT Scheme suite."
> I am expected for your answer. This language is really good & I like the
> playing cards games. I want to learn about it. Thanks for your attention.
> I'll be waiting for your reply.
> Regards,
> Cynthia
Thanks. I am translating the playing card games into teachpacks so that
teachers can use them with students without i/o overhead.
Hope this helps -- Matthias