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ANNOUNCE: more protocol implementations for PLT Scheme
Hi all,
This message is just to announce you that I implemented a couple of
protocols that can be incorporated to the `net' collection:
(a) Quoted-printable library (encoder/decoder),
RFC: 2045
Library: ftp://wish.com.mx/pub/scheme/qp.plt
This one should have been part of the MIME library, but I thought that
it might be useful on its own, similar to the base64 library in the
net collection.
(b) MIME support library (message analyzer)
RFCs: 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, and 2049
Library: ftp://wish.com.mx/pub/scheme/mime.plt
(c) HTTP Cookies
RFC: 2109
Library: ftp://wish.com.mx/pub/scheme/cookie.plt
(d) This one is really an extension to Ilia Perminov's FastCGI
library, that allows it to handle `multipart/form-data'.
RFC: 2388 (Returning values from Forms)
Library: ftp://wish.com.mx/pub/scheme/fastcgi-0.01-2.plt
Requires the MIME library above.
fastcgi-0.01.plt, does not implement RFC 2388, but extends the
original FastCGI library with the support procedures in the CGI
library (in the net collection).
Except for the FastCGI library, all of the above libraries, when
installed go directly to the net collection (collects/net directory)
in the PLT source tree. And (very brief) documentation can be found
in the files: qp-doc.txt, mime-doc.txt, and cookie-doc.txt
respectively. To install do `${PLTHOME}/bin/setup-plt file.plt'
I can provide a patch for the CGI library to support the
`multipart/form-data' extension if you want me to, (Shriram?).
The code should work with PLT Version 103, when time permits (not in
a couple of weeks unfortunately) I'll try to port them all to the 200
P.S. Ilisp support for MzScheme rocks!, thanks.