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Segmentation fault on startup for v200 on FreeBSD
Hi folks,
I'm going to try getting the OpenGL stuff going on Unix. So I've got a FreeBSD
box set up at home and I used CVS to get the the latest v200 sources for PLT
Scheme. I built the sources and now whenever I start any of the programs
(./help-desk, ./mred, ./mzscheme) I get a segmentation fault.
Here are the details:
1. I got the sources as follows:
cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sun.cs.rice.edu:/home/scheme/Archives/AnonCVS checkout
-r v200 plt
2. In the plt/src directory I typed: ./configure , then make, make install as
per the directions in README.
Now I have binaries located in plt/bin and plt/.bin
When I change to the plt/bin directory and type ./help-desk I get:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Some questions:
1. (Forgive me, I'm new to Unix.) What should I do when something crashes? For
example, when I get a crash on Windows, msdev starts up and if it can find the
source code, it shows me the line that caused the crash. Here I just have this
message "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
2. I don't have a drscheme file in my bin directory, is this expected with v200?