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RE: Drscheme
>Hi, I am colombiano and have a question on Scheme y C,
>I have a doubt if drscheme can unite with c, you could
>send me an example where to drscheme him among an I
>number (the program in C sends it to Scheme).
The "Inside PLT MzScheme" manual, available from
DrScheme's Help Desk, has examples of how to
call C from Scheme and vice-versa.
-- Paul
| Paul Steckler, Ph.D. | Rice University PLT |
| steck@cs.rice.edu | DrScheme Project |
| Tel: 713/348-3814 | http://www.cs.rice.edu/~steck/ |
| FAX: 713/348-5930 | *** Ad astra per hackera *** |
- References:
- Drscheme
- From: Andrey Gonzalez <andrey801@yahoo.com>