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Re: proper tail recusion for `or'
DrScheme is tail-recursive. The Stepper reconstructs intermediate terms
from the actual execution state. It is the reconstruction that places
or into the program text. Why? I forgot but I am sure that John Clements
has a lengthy explanation for it :-)
-- Matthias
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From: Marco Maggesi <maggesi@math.unifi.it>
Date: 15 Mar 2001 13:15:40 +0100
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Please, correct me if I am wrong. By using the stepper, it seems that
DrScheme do not handle tail recursion properly for `or'. Is this a bug?
Here is an example:
(define (list-or l)
(if (null? l)
(or (car l) (list-or (cdr l)))))
(list-or (list #f #f #f #f #f #f #t))
Thank you.