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Re: peasant revolt against DrScheme!
> From: Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk@cs.brown.edu>
> Even 10-year-olds have no trouble (with perhaps some hand-holding)
> describing recursively-defined data. When the control follows from
> the data in a mechanical fashion, they have no real difficulty
> describing the control also. We've seen this with actual kids.
> Both factorial and fibonacci suffer another problem. Factorial
> rapidly produces numbers beyond the expressive capability of the
> implementations of most other languages (and a few Schemes).
> Fibonacci rapidly becomes too expensive to compute. Students are
> notorious for imputing properties resulting from X to Y (for Y =/= X).
> The fibonacci case is especially insidious because, if you write the
> standard iterative version, you *don't* suffer from the blow-up. You
> can only imagine what *that* does to students' understanding.
> Shriram
That's is a very good point that I hadn't thought about.
Let's say I agree 100% with everything you've said so far. Recursive
functions are extremely effective for dealing with many data structures,
lists among them. What if you want to iterate down a vector and pick out
the largest element? You can certainly do it recursively:
(let loop ((v #(1 10 3 22 4))
(i 0) ; index
(max -1)) ; assume all elements of v are positive
(if (>= i (vector-length v))
(begin (display "maximum = ") (display max) (newline))
(let ((v_i (vector-ref v i)))
(if (> v_i max)
(loop v (+ i 1) v_i)
(loop v (+ i 1) max)))))
But this seems rather excessive compared to a straight iteration construct
(and no mutation is going on either). Vectors are very important data
structures in (for instance) numeric programming, so this issue is not