I'm working on a 3D application under Windows,
MacOs and Unix.
It's written in C++ and I want to embed MzScheme to have a powerful internal command language to access to the SDK of the application. Under Windows (Visual C++), all the projects (including gc, mzsrc and the graphical toolkit WxWindows) are compiled and linked in the Debug Multithreaded DLL mode, without any problems. I'm not using the OS-specific threads. I can define new functions and call them
but the functions for loading files (scheme_load) raise an exception when the file does not exist (it seems normal) and fail when the file exists (Oups !). Where is the problem ?
(Threads, wxWindows incompatibility, ...)
Shall I include any preprocessor definition ? For example, I've seen in the mzscheme code the following lines (which are needed for the linking) : #ifdef USE_MSVC_MD_LIBRARY GC_pre_init(); #endif Thanks you in advance. ================================
Thierry Duvignac TGS-Europe 05 56 13 40 05 ================================ |