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RE: Question on Multithreading from C API
I suspect that it would be easiest to do most of this programming in
Scheme, rather than most of it in C. If you just have the C code call
a particular procedure with the strings it gets over the wire, you
can define the function that gets called in Scheme. That is, when the
C code is installed, lookup the binding for some global variable in
the current namespace. Then, each time a string comes in, just call
that function with the string.
The function called would look something like this:
(define (start-computation str)
(let ([exp (read-from-string str)])
(lambda ()
(with-handlers ([(lamdba (x) #t) (lambda (x) (cons #f x))])
(cons #t ,exp))))))
Of course, you would need more, since this doesn't communicate it's
result with anyone.
[ The procedure you were looking for (probably) is called `current-thread'. ]