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RE: Senora GC ?
> ... as well as the address of any static variable containing
> GCable pointers.
Does this mean a static variable pointing to a Scheme_Object that
you wish the GC to destroy for you at some point? What would be
a good example of this, something like:
static Scheme_Object* v = NULL;
... later ...
v = scheme_make_string("Hello, World");
... do something ...
Later we reassign v:
v = scheme_make_string("New string.");
And therefore the original "v" is not collected, correct? But
if we register v, it *would* have been collected, without an
explicit call to scheme_free or similar?
On a similar thread: What if I have some Scheme_Object's in
my program that I wish to retain control of (in terms of when
or if they are collected). If I don't register them, the GC
should never touch them, right? But Boehm might?
So in those cases do I need to use the "uncollectable" malloc
version? And what about if I am creating an object using an
existing function like "scheme_make_string". How can I protect
them from being collected? I might want them to persist beyond
a single "scheme_eval"...