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Re: GC Errors in Embedded Program
On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 05:44:10AM -0800, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> With the GC upgrade (version 103.4), I see that the stack-base routine
> changed for x86 Linux. Now it will always find the base of the main
> thread's stack.
I'm pulling the CVS archive now to see if a libmzscheme/libgc with
the new code will work better.
> If the Boehm GC supports threads for your platform, then you might be
> able to fix the problem by turning on an appropriate compilation flag.
> (For Linux, it's either -DLINUX_THREADS or -DGC_LINUX_THREADS,
> depending on which version of the GC you have.)
Unfortunately, the version in 103 makes some bad assumptions about
the pthreads implementation under Linux 2.2-series (Current GLIBC)
that cause it to fail.
I foolishly copied Boehm's current stable collector in its place,
and while it compiles fine the rest of MzScheme now won't compile.
I think there might have been some changes to the Boehm interface
in your version.
> > Could this problem be resolved using the SGC collector instead?
> Yes --- provided that you can get SGC to work.
This didn't seem to work.
> The reason SGC might work is that it expects some cooperation from the
> allocating program:
> * The allocating program must tell SGC where the stack starts by
> calling GC_set_stack_base(). See plt/src/mzscheme/main.c for an
> example call.
Done. Unfortunately, I am now segfaulting when the threaded code
attempts to lock a mutex. I think there may still be some threading
issues in the SGC code base, even with Linux Threads.
Oh well. Isn't all this testing fun? ;-)