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Re: minor readline bug?

Quoting Michael Vanier:
> I installed the readline extension for mzscheme, and I notice an odd
> problem.  Without readline enabled, when I do this:
>     > (display "hello, world!")
> I get this:
>     hello, world!> 
> which is what I'd expect.  With readline enabled, however, I just get a
> prompt until I enter another value e.g.:
> 	> (display "hello, world!")
> 	> 1
> 	hello, world!1
> 	> 
> In other words, "display" doesn't flush under readline mode.  Any ideas on
> what's going on here?

Reading from the original input port causes MzScheme to flush the
original output and error ports if they're the current ports.

The readline library doesn't try to flush the output and error ports in
response to a read. Maybe it should, though the MzScheme API doesn't
currently provide enough information to tell whether the current ports
are the original ones.
