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RE: Scheme acceptance [no flames]
On Nov 8, Brent Fulgham wrote:
> ...
> A side note -- Matthias has written to me off-list regarding
> MzScheme's existing regexp handling, which seems to provide most of
> the features one would ever need.
I think that this is the main point here - since the internal regexp
can do anything you want than you can have your implementation that
will parse these specification strings and then you can suffer these
awful strings only if you want to...
BTW, one thing that I think is really helpful is a pattern-matcher
that handles regexp results, one thing that I added to Swindle
recently is the ability to do this, so you can write cute code like:
=> (try-match "5/12/99"
((regexp "^(..?)/(..?)/(...?.?)$" x d m y) (add m "-" d "-" y))
(else '?))
This can be made with only regexps and this is very useful.
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!