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Re: Scheme acceptance [no flames]
That is exactly what one needs down here in the industry.
I personaly like a PLT electronic notes by Dorai Sitaram "Teach yourself Scheme in
Fix. Number of days". It has a good style and right pace and can be a reasonable
starting point for a "Scheme Cook-Book".
Actually, this is one area where "mere users" like me can stop whining and
render a practical help by providing input for the notes.
>>>>> "MF" == Matthias Felleisen <matthias@cs.rice.edu> writes:
MF> Let's add another medium term point to Matthew's list:
MF> * Notes: How to Use Scheme
MF> MzScheme's needs "how to" notes in order to promote its use for simple
MF> scripting tasks (say interpreting some XML data or rendering it,
MF> processing directory trees, ...) and real programming (how to construct
MF> reusable units, how to create extensible data types, ...).
MF> To address this problem, PLT will construct a set of notes on how to
MF> accomplish this things.
MF> Your input will be appreciated.
MF> Following the HtDP model, the notes will first appear on the Net, later
MF> in print.
MF> How's that? -- Matthias