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RE: Scheme acceptance [no flames]

> We've tried, and finally grown tired of wasting our time esp with
> unresponsive people like RedHat.
> Brent Fulgham has kindly helped us get into the Debian loop in some
> fashion -- I don't know if we're actually part of the distribution,
> but at least we are registered with Debian.  Maybe Brent can elaborate
> on that.

MzScheme and DrScheme are part of the "main" Debian distribution
now -- that means it comes on the same install CD-ROM as the C runtime
library, the kernel, etc.  You can't get too much more "official"
than that! ;-)  In contrast, things like Netscape can't live on the
"main" CD-ROM since there are license issues that prevent it.

I'm going to be stepping back a bit as "maintainer" now, since a new
developer has just joined the project who has interest in working
with it.  (Not that you'll loose me from this list or anything)
This just gives me more time to work on things like the Hurd

But anyone who gets a Debian install CD has DrScheme and MzScheme
ready and waiting for them to install.

