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Scheme acceptance [no flames]
I think the most important thing you need to understand is that
"Scheme" is not really a programming language. It's a specification
of a language for specifying computations. That's all. The authors
of the RnRS Scheme reports have never made any attempt to define a
language for actually writing programs in, much less programs that you
can use in any realistic context. So criticizing them is
inappropriate, useless and irrelevant. Sorry.
The major Scheme implementations, on the other hand, are legitimate
contenders in their own right. Each has a world-view of what
constitutes a robust, usable programming language. Each comes with
one or more extensions to core Scheme, implementors, implementations,
and user communities. If you leave out the phrase "extensions to core
Scheme", they are no different from Perl, Python or Tcl. So the
appropriate comparison is at that level.
As to why Scheme did not catch on for a long time, I think you can
find many reasons. For one thing, most of the work went into
*academically* interesting problems, which are quite different from
the grunge and grime needed to create a usable Scheme system. Second,
hardware and resources were far more limited; now, anytime someone
complains about DrScheme, I can ask them whether they use a Web
browser. Third, software engineering culture was heavily top-down and
monolithic. Only in the 90s, under the guise of "scripting", has
prototyping and prototype evolution become part of the general
programming consciousness. Note that this is NOT because of any
culture change in software engineering research. Just this past week,
I had to survey SE texts on this topic; most are remarkably silent or
weak on this subject. No, it's just that individual programmers just
*do* it. That's what's bringing about the change. And with that, a
growing openness to other languages than what the Man ordered.
Scheme implementations also share some of the blame. I never used T,
but certainly in the late 80s and early 90s, the dominant free
implementation was MIT Scheme. Its most prominent characteristic was
that it was *large*. Compare that to Perl: would you really want an
MIT Scheme instance starting up on every CGI Web hit? I wouldn't. On
the other hand, MzScheme works great in this role. (It's not the only
one, of course, but it's the one I know and use most.) And which
beginner would want to deal with the cold MIT Scheme/Emacs interface?
DrScheme, in contrast, is breaking new ground. Last week, an old
die-hard MIT PhD saw DrScheme for the first time, and his mouth froze.
He'd never considered that Scheme interfaces could look like that!
As for your specific criticisms:
- Syntax arguments are lame. Sorry. Sure, the majority of people may
not prefer prefix. But to lose that syntax would be to shed many
advantages inherent to Scheme. It's a devil's bargain.
Paul Fernhout has been playing with a new Scheme syntax. Hopefully
he will respond with some notification of its status. I should
warn, though, that lots of people have tried to come up with a
better syntax for Scheme (including, blush, Matthias and I). I've
never seen a success (ditto).
- Scheme has plenty of beautiful iteration operators. They're called
map, filter and fold. What I think you really want is not a
Pascal-style for or while loop. What you want is iterators over
built-in data structures. You don't want to have to remember the
order of arguments to hash-table-for-each, or even know that it has
a different name than the list's for-each, and you probably want a
vector for-each as well. Yep, I see the value in that.
The rarely-understood detail about Scheme is the beauty of the
tail-call. This combined with macros is what makes Scheme the
perfect language for implementing many domain-specific languages
without fretting over underlying implementation details. If other
people don't get this, what to do? What do you suggest? Design is
one of the hardest things to teach; how to build a compiler is, in
contrast, a stroll in the park. And yet Scheme is all about design;
it's the ultimate stylist.
- Scheme's differences are precisely what make it valuable. If it
were just like every other scripting language, it needn't exist at
all. If + in Scheme took strings, numbers, lists, vectors, and 25
other built-in types, then you'd have one hell of a time trying to
write any sort of useful static-analysis tool (like MrSpidey). I
don't want to lose a tool like MrSpidey (if profits a language
nothing to give its soul for the whole world, etc).
> Is it feasible to have a parser which translates Python code into
> Scheme code so that people write Python-like code and can convert it
> to Scheme so that Python users get all the benefits from the
> features they are just talking about?? Might be, significant share
> of the exsisting Python code would run without modifications under
> Scheme as well.
I'm not sure what the value here would be. It would simply provide a
better implementation platform for Python; that's something Python's
implementors should care about (and, I suspect, have considered and
> The sad point which I would like to make: if Scheme, in its present
> form, could not take off since 1976 it will never do.
I think the rumors of Scheme's death have been greatly exaggerated.
In fact, Scheme is the only language that has consistently grown in
the educational market over all these years. Scheme is,
unfortunately, one of the easiest languages to mis-teach, and often
students can't tell a good teacher from a bad one (and also can't
distinguish the teacher from the language). Yet things seem to be
changing. Kids learn it; many of them come to appreciate and even
love it.
John R. Hall wrote:
> Cool! If they do it right, Python might further its reputation as a good
> language for beginners. There's quite a movement to teach Python as an
> introductory programming language. Better than Visual Basic, in any case
> (I've heard that they're using VB on the Advanced Placement exams, and I
> feel personally insulted, having taken them in Pascal a few years ago).
What was that you just said about hype?
You might want to compare the Python-in-education movement against the
TeachScheme! project. Software vs vaporware; full programming
environment vs low-level interaction; detailed curriculum vs ad hoc
programming; intellectual depth vs shallow hacking; five years vs
nothing but announcements.
You can guess which one is which. And consider the harm done when
people parrot the hype.
> [Leo on string processing:]
> The fact that Scheme does not do this yet has to do with its poor
> acceptance and, thus, lack of manpower to write these libraries.
Not quite. I think most Schemers simply don't care enough about
strings. That's the real bottom line. Lispers have been storing data
in parenthetical form since the Jurassic age; Schemers inherited
this. The few times I encounter string data -- when parsing a Web
page or an internet protocol response -- I spent 5 minutes
re-acquainting myself with the MzScheme regexp library. This happens
so rarely that it hasn't been worth the mental effort to actually
remember the names of the library primitives.
You could argue that most of the world cares about string data. You
would be right. And, as Eli points out, you would also be welcome to
fix this problem -- it shouldn't be too hard. Maybe you could even
copy the underlying regexp implementation from the Perl source.
Problem is, the fix isn't going to come from someone who has managed
to transport himself into an almost-always-parethetical world! We can
almost always get away with this in academia. Someone in industry,
who is stuck with 80-column-line nitwits in the surrounding cubicles,
is going to have to lead. Otherwise the design will be flawed, and
may even be useless.
> Illustative example is Guile: they are stagnating but they do not
> have enough courage to admit this and switch to another more
> healthier Scheme project like MzScheme which could well double the
> community.
You are dead on in your observations about the Scheme community. So
let me suggest something useful: instead of posting here, go post on
the Guile list saying what you've said above (-:.
> Next example is Scheme Shell scsh. It is based upon yet another
> Scheme vertual machine called Scheme48 (correct me if I am
> wrong). Scheme48 is not supoported anymore and scsh version number
> is < 0.5 (beta quality at best) for several years already. This kind
> of fragmentation makes no good for anyone.
This is a pretty unfair criticism. Scheme 48 predates PLT Scheme by a
long time. In theory, you could argue that we should have used them,
rather than the other way around. Indeed, had we done so, we could
have inherited extensions such as Scsh and Kali. As with all software
reuse, though, sometimes the hidden constraints are such that it's
easier to start from scratch than to reuse.
Also, it's hugely unfair to criticize Scsh based on its version
number. Have you actually studied or used Scsh? If you think Olin's
v0.5 is "beta at best", you would have to consider Python to be in
v0.3 or so. Don't hold Olin's modesty against him!