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Re: Swindle question & bug report
[Sorry for long reply time...]
First a comment: Swindle is not part of the stuff from Rice, so I
guess it wouldn't be too appropriate to discuss it on this list. I
have a semi-list things for Swindle that up to now was only used by me
to say when I have new versions ready.
On Oct 30, Noel Welsh wrote:
> First, the question:
> Can Swindle dispatch on MzScheme's structures?
No. I thought about making that possible, but it's throwing work for
a rare situation - mixing Swindle stuff with MzScheme structures (and
objects). So, currently there is nothing at all to support this. I
have just added a little now - instead of getting <unknown-primitive>
as the class of MzScheme structures (which also was printed as <void>
by mistake), you get <mzscheme-struct>. I also added
<mzscheme-object> and <mzscheme-interface>. It is probably possible
to add more useful stuff but there should be a way to pull out
information about these structures (the inheritance hierarchy) or use
some wrapper macros - but again, I don't think that this is something
which would be too popular.
> The bug report:
> In Swindle or DrSwindle
> (require-library "prettyu.ss" "mzlib")
> =>
> letrec-values: illegal use of keyword at: :::dummy:::
Oh... Well, the first thing is that there is no way to use mzlib
pretty-printer with Swindle - I have a printer implementation that
supports print-length and print-level as in Lisp, but no pretty
printing and no `circle' printing. Implementing these would take some
Another thing is that the error must be because of a hack I do in
Swindle - if I encounter a symbol that begins with a colon, I
immediately define it as a keyword with itself as its value. For
(define :a 1)
gives a similar error. Remember that DrSwindle is a hacked version of
DrScheme, there were way too many changes I needed to allow me to
implement it as a tool.
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!