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Re: MzScheme in a multi-threading environment

Quoting Blake McBride:
> After considerable effort and time we discovered that if MzScheme is called
> by an application and Win32 Threads is used the application must call
> DllMain in order to initialize the system for multi thread use.  Now that we
> call that first the system seems to work fine.  This leads me to some
> questions.
> 1.  Are we doing it correctly now?  Is there anything else we should be doing?
> 2.  Is this documented somewhere?

Instead of calling DllMain, does it work to set

  GC_use_registered_statics = 1

and then register any static variables that contain Scheme pointers?

I assume that you're using MzScheme in a single-threaded way, and that
MzScheme threads needn't be implemented as Windows threads.

There's a little bit of documentation about mixing MzScheme with
OS-implemented threads in "Inside MzScheme":


Unfortunately, I see that the above page doesn't refer to the previous
one, which ends with an important note about threads and Windows:


(I've fixed the duplicated sentence fragment on that page.)
