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RE: 3D
Well, it appears that there is lots of interest in writing a binding for a
3d library such as OpenGL.
About a year ago, I discovered OpenGL for the very first time while perusing
the web. At about the same time,
I was being encouraged at work to learn C/C++ (rather than Scheme) so in my
free time I wrote a little binding
for one of the OpenGL samples from "The Red Book". Shriram got wind of it (I
told him about it, I was excited :)
and he convinced me to try to write a full blown OpenGL binding for
MzScheme. Later on he hooked me up with a guy
in france, Jean Francois Trevian "Jeff", and together we came up with some
stuff. To be honest, Jeff was much further
along than I was. Here's a descriptions of what we had going:
I was using GLUT. This meant that I had to use a little hack (thanks to
Matthew Flatt) to make it so that I could run Scheme threads while glut did
it's thing.
Pretty much, your Scheme program looked like normal Scheme program, but with
OpenGL primitives. Unfortunately, you the actual rendering was done in a
GLUT window, and when you killed the GLUT window, everything else closed too
including your Scheme prompt.
Jeff was using a different Windowing system, which means he didn't have the
"glut hack" that I did, but in the Scheme, he was passing an extra "OpenGL
context variable" to each of the functions.
Last I recall, I was attempting to embedd MzScheme inside a GLUT app. This
would mean exposing all the GLUT windowing/menu/UI garbage as primitives
inside MzScheme.
That was about 6 months ago, and I haven't looked at it since. A few days
ago, Matthew still had me down for writing the binding.
Here are my present thoughts:
1. If there are enough people interested, and I can rope ya into helping, I
think we could write a fairly decent OpenGL binding in not too much time. Or
perhaps there is a better alternative to OpenGL. So now's your chance to
volunteer/provide input.
2. This is what I would like to see for a 3D library: A window class that
you could instantiate to put a 3D window inside of a MrEd container window.
Attached to that window would be a rendering-context object. The OpenGL
commands, would then be the methods of the rendering-context object.
Some dead ends and other obstacles that I encountered that would have to be
1. A windowing system. As it stands, GLUT is OK, but doesn't play nice with
MzScheme in the following way: GLUT wants to own the window and provide it's
own windowing system. What I was trying last was to embed MzScheme into a
GLUT app. This is not in-line with "thought number 2" above. It also means
that we would have to write new primitives for all the GLUT
windowing/menu/UI garbage(that was about where I gave up). Why do all that
when MrEd already has a pretty nice windowing system? What more, GLUT's
windowing system follows the same "state machine" paradigm that OpenGL does,
which doesn't mix with a functional programming style. The nice thing about
GLUT is that it already works on multiple platforms. If we wanted to use
another windowing system, then there might be some work in getting it going
on more than one platform. One thing comes to mind --- GLUT is open source,
so we might be able to simply steal the bits we like from the GLUT source
and use that.
2. As mentioned before, OpenGL is a state machine. This means that you would
have to compromise some of your functional programming style to work with
it. Worthy of note, the ODBC stuff is a state machine too, and last I heard
folks were building some higher level abstractions on top of it to make it
more Scheme friendly. I don't see any reason why we couldn't do the same
with OpenGL.
Some designn ideas:
1. A primitive OpenGL window class. This could be instantiated and resulting
OpenGL windows could be contained in MrEd containers.
2. A primitive rendering-context class. Objects of this class would be
attached to OpenGL windows. The OpenGL functions would be methods of the
rendering-context object.
3. Primitive classes for, vertex-arrays, display-lists, bitmaps, textures et
How to proceed:
1. I think first it would be good to get a working prototype and use this as
a starting point to lay out an overall framework.
2. Once we have the framework laid out, then we can divide it into pieces
and flesh the thing out.
As requirements for a "working prototype" may I suggest the following:
1. Should be able to run the following MrEd program (or equivalent):
(define my-frame (make-object frame% "foo" #f 300 300))
(define my-3d-canvas (make-object 3d-canvas% my-frame '()))
(define my-3d-context (send my-3d-canvas get-3d-context))
(send my-3d-context draw-triangle)
(send my-frame show #t)
2. Should work on multiple platforms.
This is a rather modest starting point, and is intended to be. My hope is to
attract some other contributors, resolve the basic windowing issues, design
a framework and then proceed from there.
Any takers.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: 3D
- From: "Jonathan Coupe" <jonathan@meanwhile.freeserve.co.uk>