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forwarded message from Compulog Americas

If you have interesting applications that you have built using
advanced languages (particularly PLT Scheme!), please be sure to
submit to this workshop.  It's an open-minded place that ought to
place a high premium on utility over research (especially non-utility
disguised as research).


[----- The Types Forum, http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types -----]

                        THIRD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON 
                             Las Vegas, Nevada
                                 March 11,12
             (Co-located with ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2001) 

Declarative languages build on sound theoretical basis to provide
attractive frameworks for application development. Indeed, these
languages have been successfully applied to vastly different
real-world situations, ranging from data base management to active
networks to software engineering to decision support systems.  

The major strength of declarative languages lies in the way work on
efficient implementation has allowed programmers to take advantage of
their strong theorical foundations. In fact, new developments in
theory and implementation often open up new application areas. On the
other hand, as declarative languages are applied to novel problems, a
number of interesting research issues arise.  Well-known questions
include designing for scalability, language extensions for application
deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications are both
a cause for and benefit from progress in the theory and implementation
of declarative systems. 

The PADL'01 series of workshops aims at providing a forum where
researchers, practitioners, and implementors of declarative languages
may exchange ideas on current and novel application areas and on the
requirements for effective deployment of declarative systems. Thus, we
invite papers dealing with practical applications of newly discovered
results and techniques in logic, constraint, and functional
programming. Papers dealing with practical applications of theoretical
results, new implementation techniques, or innovative applications are
particularly welcome. Position papers as well as papers that present
work-in-progress are also welcome. Scope of PADL includes, but is not
limited to:

   -- Innovative Applications 
   -- Practical Applications of Theoretical Results 
   -- Declarative Languages and the Internet 
   -- Declarative Languages and Software Engineering 
   -- Declarative Languages and Software Enabled Control 
   -- Deductive Database Systems
   -- Declarative Languages for Specification and Verification 
   -- Practical Experiences 
   -- Innovative Implementation/Compilation Techniques 

Authors may submit an electronic copy of the full paper, in English,
to the email address below (preferred), or submit six copies of the
paper to the postal address below. The paper should reach by October
10th, 2000. Papers must be no longer than 15 pages, written in 12
point font and with single spacing. Each copy of the submission must
include on an extra sheet the paper title, authors and their
affiliations, contact information, an abstract, and three to four
keywords. Each paper will be reviewed. Authors will be notified by
December 5th, 2000. Camera ready copies will be due by January 5th,
2001.  The proceedings will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer
Science by Springer Verlag.

Program Committee Chairman

I.V. Ramakrishnan
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794
email: ram@cs.sunysb.edu 

 S. Antoy                   Portland State                       
 S. Debray     		    University of Arizona                     
 M. Fromherz   		    Xerox PARC                           
 C. Geyer      		    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil   
 B. Goldberg   		    NYU                                  
 N. Heintze    		    Bell Labs, Lucent                    
 S. Krishnamurthi	    Brown University                     
 L. Maranget   		    INRIA Rocquencourt                   
 E. Meijer     		    Utrecht University                   
 G. Morrisett  		    Cornell University                   
 U. Nilsson    		    Linkoping University                 
 C. Palamidessi		    Penn State                           
 E. Pontelli   		    New Mexico State University                     
 I.V. Ramakrishnan	    SUNY Stony Brook                     
 D. Sands      		    Chalmers University of Technology    
 R. Sekar      		    SUNY Stony Brook                     
 D. Srivastava 		    AT&T Labs Research                   
 T. Swift      		    SUNY Stony Brook                     
 K. Ueda       		    Waseda University                    
 R. Yap	       		    National University of Singapore     
 N-F. Zhou     		    Brooklyn College, CUNY               

 Paper Submission           October 10, 2000
 Notification               December 5, 2000
 Camera-ready               January 5, 2001
 Workshop                   March 11/12 2001

PADL '01 Organizer:         Gopal Gupta (gupta@cs.nmsu.edu)
PADL '01 Website:           http://seclab.cs.sunysb.edu/padl 
PADL '01 Sponsors:          COMPULOG AMERICAS
			    Association for Logic Programming.