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Re: keyboard shortcut

Title: Re: keyboard shortcut
Well, I went ahead and added that keyboard shortcut to DrScheme for version 104 (but not yet released to CVS). If you are feeling adventurous, you can try to apply the diffs at the end of this email. But, beware, the line numbers are not exactly right, since the diffs are from a later version than 103. You should be able to tell from the context (and with a little Scheme know-how) where each diff applies, however.


At 8:53 AM -0500 9/7/00, Robert Bruce Findler wrote:
At 6:05 AM -0400 9/7/00, Kevin Michael Matulef wrote:
Quick, easy question I hope:  what's the keyboard shortcut for changing
focus from the definitions window to the interactions window in Dr Scheme?
It seems like this is a common enough task that there should be one, but I
couldn't seem to find it in the help desk...

Please reply to me personally because I am not on the mailing list.

There is no such shortcut, sadly. Instead, what I do is hide either the definitions or interactions window, which puts the focus to the other one. Less than optimal, but works pretty well for me.


These diffs are all from plt/collects/drscheme/

Index: drsig.ss
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/CVSRoot/plt/collects/drscheme/drsig.ss,v
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -r1.105 drsig.ss
<   (text%
>   (drs-bindings-keymap-mixin
>    text%
Index: rep.ss
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/CVSRoot/plt/collects/drscheme/rep.ss,v
retrieving revision 1.270
diff -r1.270 rep.ss
>   (define drs-bindings-keymap (make-object mred:keymap%))
>   (send drs-bindings-keymap add-function
>         "toggle-focus-between-definitions-and-interactions"
>         (lambda (obj evt)
>           (when (is-a? obj mred:editor<%>)
>             (let ([canvas (send obj get-canvas)])
>               (when canvas
>                 (let ([frame (send canvas get-top-level-window)])
>                   (when (is-a? frame drscheme:unit:frame%)
>                     (cond
>                       [(send (ivar frame definitions-canvas) has-focus?)
>                        (send (ivar frame interactions-canvas) focus)]
>                       [else
>                        (send (ivar frame definitions-canvas) focus)]))))))))
>   (send drs-bindings-keymap map-function
>         "c:x;o"
>         "toggle-focus-between-definitions-and-interactions")
>   (define (drs-bindings-keymap-mixin editor%)
>     (class editor% args
>       (rename [super-get-keymaps get-keymaps])
>       (override
>         [get-keymaps
>          (lambda ()
>            (cons drs-bindings-keymap (super-get-keymaps)))])
>       (sequence (apply super-init args))))
<   (define text% (make-text% (make-console-text% fw:scheme:text%))))
>   (define text%
>     (drs-bindings-keymap-mixin
>      (make-text%
>       (make-console-text% fw:scheme:text%)))))
Index: unit.ss
RCS file: /home/scheme/Archives/CVSRoot/plt/collects/drscheme/unit.ss,v
retrieving revision 1.176
diff -r1.176 unit.ss
<       fw:text:info%)))
>       (drscheme:rep:drs-bindings-keymap-mixin
>        fw:text:info%))))