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Re: Specialized input parsing for code/REPL in DrScheme?

John, Shriram-

Thanks for the comment and interest in the indentational approach.

Trying not to overstep Shriram's kind interest in the outcome, I would
certainly love to see any comments related to actually getting DrScheme
to support such a syntax, or comments based specifically on whether
syntactically significant syntax is appropriate or inappropriate as an
alternative or companion from TeachScheme! experience.

However, while I would enjoy continuing to discuss the pros and cons of
this approach, it is not my intent to bog the PLT-Scheme list down in a
long discussion of why indentaional syntax might be a good or bad idea.
There are 90+ comments or so on comp.lang.lisp if anyone is interested
in a more in depth discussion of all the reasons Lisp developers might
not want to use indentation (and my rebuttals on some of these points).

The discussion is also available through dejaNews:

Anyway to address the specific points John and Shriram brought up, in a
DrScheme context:

John Clements wrote:
> At 10:41 -0500 2000-08-10, Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
> >There have been lots of efforts to create "less parenthesized"
> >Schemes.  (Rob Warnock, who should be on this list, made a valiant
> >attempt not very long ago.)  Most die painful deaths.  I don't,
> >however, know that anyone has gone down the indentation-is-significant
> >route.  I'm certainly interested in seeing the results.

Thanks, Shriram! 

I actually am surprised no one seems to have tried a purely
indentational approach with Lisp family languages, based on the
comp.lang.lisp feedback. 

Several people assumed (incorrectly, probably due to a lack of clarity
on my part) that I was proposing creating an Algol-like syntax or
assumed I want to change the deep structure of the language (perhaps
differentiating between code and data) -- neither is the case. 

I see this proposal more as just a new typographical convention for
defining S-expressions. This is done in a way that may have less visual
clutter from parentheses at the "edges" of lines. I'm still not sure
whether this approach will work in practice, although so far no one has
given me a specific example of an S-expression I can't encode. (Please
send one if you find it.)

Obviously, if you look at the comp.lang.lisp posts related to this
thread, whether Lisp developers would want to use such a typographic
convention is a subject of strong feelings (currently overwhelmingly
negative). However, naturally the comp.lang.lisp group is in part
self-selected to feel this way. What I mean by that is that people who
don't like or can't get used to consistent use of parentheses would not
stay Lisp developers for very long or be likely to hang around
comp.lang.lisp. (I don't know what percentage of users that might be of
the people who try to learn Lisp -- it might well be very tiny.
Obviously TeachScheme! is meeting with great success.) It does seem
clear that most if not all Lisp developers feel the parentheses clutter
"melts away" sometime after sufficient familiarity, and the consistency
provides great benefits, and they also feel that any parentheses
managment difficulties are easily managed by a smart editor like emacs
(or DrScheme!). 

Thus, Lisp developers don't like people complaining about all the
parentheses, and are even tired of saying "newbie, get over it". :-) And
the truth is, I can't deny I am a Lisp newbie, in the sense that I've
used Lisp syntax dialects for maybe a total of three or four
person-months, spread out over perhaps twenty years (each time being for
only a few weeks, including my current go round).

It is a very different question though to ask, for example, if novices
would feel the same way as experienced Lisp developers do, given a
choice of the two alternatives. Another different question is whether
such a convention might make Lisp family languages more attractive, for
example, to Python developers. For the record, a couple of people who
used both Python and Lisp said they wouldn't like indentational syntax
in Lisp. There are of course deeper issues than parentheses when people
consider using other languages if they know one or more already, and
issues deeper still when someone learns to program for the first time.

I think one key issue is, can one separate the other features of Lisp or
Scheme (in practice) from the typographical convention of full
parenthesization with redundant indentation, or is the ability to parse
text that is properly parenthesized somehow extremely essential to the
language's versatility (in such a way that an alternative could not as
well be supported) and also essential to the user's enjoyable experience
and long term productive use of the language? At the very least,
removing some parentheses and keeping everything else the same might
help create an experiment where the impact of parentheses as a
structure-defining convention could be better understood.
John Clements also wrote:
> I agree that this is an interesting project, and I'm quite sure that
> what you're describing could be done entirely in Scheme.

Thanks, John! I'd love to do all the parsing in Scheme, and ideally then
hook it into DrScheme smoothly.

> On the other hand, I'm really puzzled by the project itself.  


It's not even quite a "project" yet. I'm still trying to determine how
much work the implementation would be in DrScheme, and then after that,
whether it is worth it to try it as an experiment for my own personal
use. But in practice, I may just try a simple parser first, before
worrying about the hookup.

I think it would be a fun thing to try, but I've actually got a lot
other things I want to work on (actually using DrScheme or such), so I'm
leery of getting too bogged down in this parentheses/indentation issue
too far (especially if I can't be certain that the approach would have a
future). It's already taken a couple days of work just to keep up with
the comp.lang.lisp discussion. Of course, if I've already invested that
much time...

> Here are what I see as the benefits of such a parser:
> 1) easier on the eyes (for the "parenthetically challenged").
> 2) makes Scheme more terse.
> 3) spares the "9" and "0" keys on your keyboard.

And, one could also include:
  4) structure of the nested S-expressions is always transparent.

> Rebuttals to benefits:
> 1) The eyes get used to the parentheses.
> 2) Goodness, Scheme is already extremely terse.
> 3) ... key remapping?

And one could also include:

  4) This convention might wreak havoc on the Lisp and Scheme
communities (from new buggy editors, flame wars,
parenthetically-dyslexic indentational S-expression developers, etc.)
that could greatly outweigh whatever benefits it might provide. 

Counter rebuttals:

1) How long does it take for the eye to get used to lots of parentheses?
Does everyone get used to them in the end? How intimidating are they at
the start? From what I read on newsgroups and elsewhere, and personal
experience, the visual clutter produced by using parentheses exclusively
to define structure obviously is an "adoption barrier" for many users
preventing them from even going down the road where they might get past
this. The fact that it may be a common complaint is an issue, whether it
is a justified complaint or not (which is a different issue). There is
truth that the phrase "Lots of Infernal Stupid Parentheses" reflects
many people's opinions on Lisp family languages (whether justified or
not) which prevents them from trying Lisp or Scheme. Obviously, and in
case your sponsors are on this list, :-) all languages have tradeoffs.
So I find it quite acceptable for one to admit Lisp family languages
have issues with managing lots of parentheses (which ultimately just
reflect defining a nested structure, where defining structure itself is
absolutely required as part of almost any programming task), and at the
same time not find it inconsistent for one also to believe other
benefits can outweigh the costs and initial discomforts related to only
using parentheses (and braces, and brackets) to define structure, given
that other languages (C++, Pascal, Smalltalk, Python, etc.) have their
own costs which might outweigh that of Scheme's in various settings
(especially educational ones).

Speaking in terms of psycho-physiology, it is hard to tell the
difference between, for example, two or three parens, thus "))" is
difficult to distinguish between ")))", where it is easier to
distinguish the difference between ")" and " " (a difference much more
common when edge parentheses are removed using an indentational
syntax).  If one did some sort of physiological studies on this issue,
one might find out (guessing here) that something like "))))))"
stimulates pretty much the same mental pathways at nearly the same
frequency as ")))))))" (compared to either having a paren or not having
a paren). Thus, a Lisp program for a novice is from a perceptual point
of view filled with large chunks of high frequency "noise" that are not
readily distinguishable (except by conscious effort, or eventually
unconsciously only after significant experience leads to such items
being unconsciously "chunked"). Again, as a disclaimer, just because I
think Lisp or Scheme might have this weakness, this does not mean I
think that the benefits of consistency don't outweigh this disadvantage

2) Scheme is indeed terse, which is one reason I like it. But there is
nothing wrong with making a great thing even better! 

Of course other languages have unneeded characters as well to make
parsing easier. For example, the required ":" in Python annoys me
greatly, as do the unneeded "." operators.

For example, I would prefer in Python:

  for anObject in anArray
    print anObject name()

as opposed to what you really need to do of:

  for anObject in anArray:
    print anObject.name()

With Scheme and this indentational syntax, I could in theory write:

  for-in anObject anArray
      send anObject name

which I find elegant. Obviously, I'm biased.

3) For a person who works in several environments (DrScheme, Netscape,
VC++), key remapping can impose an additional cognitive load on each
task. That is, in each task I will have to ask myself, for example, is
this key a bracket or a paren?

4) Obviously one wants to avoid flame wars at all costs, but maybe the
smoke from all the carnage might attract more curious users to Lisp and
Scheme from other newsgroups. :-) Realistically though, the commonality
of the Lisp family syntax is a great unifier, (as is the large common
base of debugged code related to parsing such syntax), and I think
fracturing this commonality is the strongest argument against
introducing a typographic variant unless it has very compelling
advantages and can coexist with the existing typographic convention.

> Disadvantages:
> 1) Currently, the tabbing, as a derived piece of information, serves
> as extremely valuable syntax-debugging info.  Who among us has not
> hit (TAB) in emacs and discovered a missing ), }, or what have you.
> Your scheme would remove that environmental feedback.

True. However, you would rarely have a missing ")", so I think this
point may be not that important. Actually, you would never have a
missing ")", except related to embedded S-expressions using a more
conventional syntax.  

Example of an improperly structured expression missing a paren:

  define (square x        ; this line is wrong and missing a paren
    * x x

instead of the correct:

  define (square x)
    * x x

However, I would think these sort of "convenience paren" problems would
be more apparent using an indentational syntax than is the case with the
syntax Scheme uses now. 

The current parser I'm considering would default to conventional Scheme
parsing rules as soon as it sees a paren for the duration of the
expression until a close paren (if this will work -- I'm not 100% sure
it will be completely compatible). So, it is true it might make for an
unexpected error message in the first unbalanced case, especially if you
had another unbalanced paren ")" somewhere else in the code.  However,
taking an idea from DrScheme, an indentational language level for
novices might disallow parenthesized expressions that span more than one
line, and thus at least contain the error and make it easy to provide a
meaningful recovery suggestion.

If one wanted to be a purist, this example requires no parens, and the
problem you outlined could not appear:

    square x
    * x x

Obviously, the form could be improperly indented. However, then it would
still be a valid set of S-expressions -- just not the one you probably

For example:

    square x
  * x x

defines two top level S-expressions:

  (define (square x))


  (* x x)

This is valid, but probably not what is intended. DrScheme would
probably catch the error as "x" referring to an undefined variable.

> 2) I'm really not sure it saves a lot of keystrokes. Let's say that
> you have an editor that by default begins a line in the same column
> as the prior one.  Let's further assume, for the programmer's
> convenience, that there are some kind of indent and unindent keys
> that jump left or right to line up with later columns (this saves the
> programmer having to hit the delet^H^H^H^H^Hbackspace key all the
> time).  What's the net effect? Well, you save exactly one keystroke
> on every line that would have ended with close-parens matching
> opening ones on the same line.  On the other hand, you incur one
> extra keystroke for every line which would have had open parens which
> were not closed.

Keystoke counting is almsot a "red herring", and I'm sorry I mentioned
it in my original proposal. I like the fact that I might enter less, but
I would enter more keystrokes if I thought the result would be clearer.
Fortunately, it turns out that unneeded keystokes are mostly always
related to unneeded "syntactical sugar". In a way, I am arguing that
"edge parentheses", that is, parentheses on the edges of lines in
S-expressions, are "syntactical sugar" in Lisp and Scheme when
indentation is significant. However, as true as it may be that the
computer can understand a complete S-expression all in one line, a human
can't. Thus "indentation" is actually not "syntactical sugar" as far as
any sort of useability.

Well, I haven't counted all the keystrokes.  I know in practice I do a
lot of hand indenting as well a hand block structures. I guess I've just
been through too many systems to learn the quirks anymore of any
particular one. For example, I learned emacs around 1986, but then did
other things and had to live with an editor on the SGI IRIS called "AME:
A mouse Editor" that didn't do much, etc. In 1987, I was on a Symbolics
for a few glorious weeks, but then onto Turbo C. Then after that, lots
of other editors. Obviously, times have changed since then, but I'm
still leery of investing heavily in learning editor key bindings
(especially at the start). 

So given that I type everything by hand (and assuming auto-indenting to
the last line), it is quite a few less keystrokes less to not type edge
parentheses -- I'd say an average of two per line. But the bigger issue
is that it is a lot less mouse motion or cursoring to get to where I can
type the extra parens on the end of a line for a complex expression
after I inspect my work and see it is unbalanced. That is a big savings
to me. So is the time spent inspecting my work looking for paren
problems, which I no longer have to do to the same degree.

Obviously, if I were experienced in using a good Lisp/Scheme aware
editor (say if I learned the DrScheme key bindings), and I properly used
it, the number of keystrokes saved might be minimal, as you point out.
On comp.lang.lisp, numerous people pointed out the ease of doing
S-expression management operations in emacs, and expressed concern about
losing that ability in an indentational syntax.

So then the question is, for novices who don't know editor key bindings,
would an indentational approach save them a lot of typing and
parentheses analysis time? I would think yes. Mind you, this may not be
an important enough concern, given the elegance and consistency of the
parentheses. It might actually be harder to teach the indentational
style. I don't know one way or the other. Also, naturally, such novices
might not then learn the keystroke concepts needed for using something
like emacs effectively.

Without violating student's privacy of course, it would be nice to have
actual keystroke data from DrScheme to see how students are really using
the editor. This could help answer questions like: do students use
advanced keystrokes or do they format by hand? Or, when in the semester
do they switch over to using more advanced editing features if they do?
This empirical data would be especially useful in a research study
comparing the keystrokes used in practice by novices to create
S-expressions solely with parens (and indenting for readability), and
S-expressions created using syntactically significant indentation.
Obviously, there are endless problems with privacy and related fears
created by keystroke monitoring, so this is a touchy subject that would
have to undergo review and oversight if used in the classroom, as well
as informed consent. Quite likely instructors might be able to answer
these questions without instrumentation based on casual observation of
students in a computer lab setting.

> In other words, you save a whole bunch of keystrokes if your program
> contains a long sequence of one-line expressions.  On the other hand,
> a more functional style of programming would be penalized by this
> parser. I'd like to think that my programs tend to fall into the
> latter category.

This is an excellent point. I don't know Scheme well enough, and haven't
used it long enough, to be writing code the way an experienced Scheme
developer would. So, it is quite possible that indentational syntax
might have less value to me if I did. I hadn't thought of this in quite
this way (functional vs. procedural), and thanks for pointing this out.

However, to understand whether there is really a difference, let's look
at a more complex example, taken from Shriram Krishnamurthi's "An
Introduction to Scheme" ACM article.

Here is the longest expression in there, which at least uses a function
as a parameter:

  (define filter
    (function (list-of-grades predicate?)
      (if (empty? list-of-grades)
        (let ((first-grade (first list-of-grades)))
          (if (predicate? first-grade)
            (join first-grade (partition (rest list-of-grades)))
            (partition (rest list-of-grades)))))))

  (filter grades (function (grade) (> grade 50)))

Using indentational syntax, and leaving some parens for aesthetics, this
would be:

  define filter
    function (list-of-grades predicate?)
      if (empty? list-of-grades)
            first-grade (first list-of-grades)
          if (predicate? first-grade)
            join first-grade (partition (rest list-of-grades))
            partition (rest list-of-grades)

  filter grades (function (grade) (> grade 50))

A more purist approach of removing all parens would look produce:

  define filter
      list-of-grades predicate?
        empty? list-of-grades
              first list-of-grades
            predicate? first-grade
                rest list-of-grades
              rest list-of-grades

  filter grades
      > grade 50

[Note that in the ACM paper, "function" is used instead of "lambada",
plus some other exchanges.]

If you have a better example that is more along functional lines you
would like me to look at, please send it on.
> 3) In your parser, it's a lot harder to navigate with sexp-forward
> and sexp-back and sexp-cut keys.  Once you have these keys under your
> belt, it's hard to live without them.   For one thing, an edit
> sequence which contains nothing but these keys (+ paste) is
> guaranteed to take a balanced s-expression to a balanced
> s-expression. In order to supply these in your editor, the editor
> itself would have to do a whole lot of work.

Obviously, I don't have a parser or an editor so I am not sure exactly
what they could do. However, it would seem to me that one could easily
navigate the same way in indented S-expressions. Forward just goes down
to the next expression that starts at the same level of indentation.
Backward goes up through the file to the same level of indentation.
Jumping into an S-expression means moving indentationally to the right.
Jumping out of an S-expression means moving indentationally to the left.
Selecting an S-expression means selecting the current line and all lines
below up to the first line that has indentation equal to or less than
the current amount. This all should be easy to implement. The only big
difficulty would actually be getting this to interoperate with legacy
parenthesized expressions left in for aesthetic reasons.  
> In short, I guess I think it's a bad idea.  It's funny; the classic
> computer science mantra is "don't make the user do work that the
> computer could do for you", and yet in the syntax department, Scheme
> refutes that principle utterly.  However, I think it's the richer for
> it.
> Anyhow, that's the way I (biased as heck) see it.
> john clements

Thanks for the comments. I myself am not sure that in practice this will
be useful either.

> ps: How about this for an alternate editor idea: twist-up/down
> triangles that show or hide whole s-exp tree branches?  Frontier and
> the Mac OS (and just about every other file manager and outline
> editor on the planet) use this idea.  This could make it easier to
> navigate and edit large blocks of scheme code.

That is a quite interesting idea. 

It could also work in conjunction with the indentational approach.
Actually, I realized, staring at ~90 threaded newsgroup postings in
comp.lang.lisp on this thread in Netscape, arranged in a collapsible
hierarchy without parentheses, how ironic it was that all the Lisp
developers posting about the difficulty of perceiving nested structure
in Lisp without parentheses were in all likelihood fluidly using a tree
widget in the mailer to follow the discussion.

Occam uses indentational syntax and was where I first encountered
syntactically significant indentation (nice pun by the way Shriram!).
The Occam editor I used supported folding -- however it wasn't
implemented well in the version I use (around 1987). That is, you could
fold something but it forgot the sub folds. Also, I remember there being
another issue, perhaps it didn't handled comments as well as one would
like? That is, if you fold a "SEQ" sequence expression, how do you know
what it does if the comment is below? Ideally, you want to tag these
expressions with their intent or other related documentation, and see
some of that when something is folded (perhaps rather than the
expression itself).

So, of course the real issue then in the DrScheme context, how easy is
it to add a hierarchical tree editor window to DrScheme? (Back to
looking at the Tools manual I suppose.) Of course, people usually prefer
to do freeform pastes in text, so the window might need to support both.
An interesting challenge (thought I probably don't have time for that

Of course, as I think of it, it might be that programming Scheme solely
using a tree widget (supporting only sensible tree node cut and paste)
might have an interesting feeling. Might be a useful learning tool for

Thanks again for the comments. 

-Paul Fernhout
Kurtz-Fernhout Software 
Developers of custom software and educational simulations
Creators of the Garden with Insight(TM) garden simulator