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Re: Any Other Lists?
Quoting Paul Fernhout:
> === on this PLT list's charter ====
For now, we see this list's charter as being especially broad. Anything
of interest to PLT users and developers is appropriate. Our hope is to
keep the lines of communication open, and to build up a community by
putting users in touch with each other (instead of just with us).
Items of interest to the broader Scheme and/or educational world can
probably find a larger audience elsewhere. [Beyond comp.lang.scheme,
though, I'm not sure where those places might be.]
Longer-term, it seems appropriate to have separate lists for
MzScheme/MrEd grunge versus high-level DrScheme/TeachScheme! issues.
But we thought we'd start with just one list and see what happens.
[Does anyone think it's time to create a new list?]
> It would be my expectation that general Scheme
> discussions not relating somehow to DrScheme etc. would be off-topic.
I wouldn't necessarily think so.
> I've been interested in questions related to the
> stand-alone self booting 80X86 MzScheme, but wasn't sure if it was
> on-topic to ask those questions here.
Entirely on-topic, I'd say.
> It also isn't clear to what extent it would be "on topic" for this list
> to discuss the more general issues of the PLT mission
Again, I'd say on-topic.
> === whether to send bug reports or suggestions to the list ===
The preferred (by PLT maintainers) vehicle for bug reports is the bug
report form.
> Also, I've wondered whether I should be sending some comments directly
> to scheme@cs.rice.edu instead of this list (like the one on
> documentation suggestions). I think the benefit of sending suggestions
> to the list is that other people can see what is going on and comment on
> them too.
Makes sense to me.
> I think part of my early confusion was that the beginning of the web
> page [...] talks first about the announce list
Sounds like we need to work on that page. The announcement list is
read-only, and for major announcements only. Everything else goes to
this list (currently).
> One factor at work regarding traffic on this PLT list is that the "reply
> to" field for this list is set to the sender (not the list).
> [...]
> it might be nice
> if mailing list posts had [PLT] (or whatever) appended at the start of
> the header.
These changes sound worthwhile, so I'll look into them in a couple of
weeks. (I'm currently on "vacation", connected to the world through a
narrow phone line.)
> Also, it must not be clear who can post to the list (i.e. whether
> posters are on the list), because I usually get two replies to things
> I post to this list (one sent directly to me, and one sent to the
> list).
I don't actually know whether non-subscribers can post; it's whatever
majordomo allows by default.
As for getting double replies, it's probably just people like me who
generally "follow-up", out of habit, and assume that the mail client on
the other end will clean up duplicates. :)