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RE: xctocc documentation link bad?

>I tried to access the xctocc following a link from DrScheme 102:
>Inside PLT MzScheme: MzScheme Architecture: Objects, Classes, and
>* http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/packages/102/doc/xctocc/index.htm>*
>When I tried to either browse the docs online or download them, I got a
>document missing message from the Rice servers.
>Basically, in my laziness, I was hoping for an easy way to generate C
>code to wrap new file primitives (sort of like SWIG?
>http://www.swig.org/ which supports Python, GUILE. )
>I found the source for xctocc in the source distribution. It is a Perl
>script and it is deprecated.  So, I guess I'm not as interested in the
>documentation for it any more.

You can read an old online version of the docs using

-- Paul