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Re: MzScheme Special Form -> Native Numerical Code?
By the way, the educational motivation for generating and calling native
code from MzScheme is that then TeachScheme! can then be easily extended
into classes for advanced students on low level machine architecture.
Students could learn how a real processor works by poking at it through
MzScheme interface functions. Need to add a new language level then --
"crash and burn horribly". :-) But as I've heard it said, "If you can't
crash it, you're not the one doing the driving..."
I have developed a module on studying machines within the TeachScheme!
framework. At Rice students write an assembler for a machine simulator
and extend the machine simulator by the end of the first semester. It's all
a safe way to crash and burn -- w/i DrScheme.
The chapter will appear as additional material on our HtDP web site
when things calm down.
-- Matthias