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Re: Hello from a new user interested in shipping applications

Noel Welsh wrote:

> Finally, I read somewhere that researchers in Aspect-Orientated
> Programming (http://www.parc.xerox.com/csl/projects/aop/
> http://www.acl.lanl.gov/iscope97/papers/lamping.html
> http://www.diku.dk/research-groups/topps/activities/PartialEvaluation.html)
> developed a system that collapsed operations on arrays into a single
> loops. Eg, if one is doing something like Ax + b, the multiplication
> and addition are collapsed into one loop without the programmer having
> to write special purpose code. The good thing is, this work was
> originally done in Scheme. "All are academic projects, with promising
> results so far. The Scheme systems are the most mature."

AOP fell into the Java trap a long time ago.  I doubt they do any
serious development for Scheme any longer (though I would be happy to
be proven wrong).
