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Re: About the Language

At 17:01 +0800 2000-07-28, takashi wrote:
>I am a biggner schmeme programmer. Could you help me?
>I am using the embedded type mzScheme v102 on a Macintish. How can I confirm
>and change the current evaluation language?

If you're using DrScheme, you can choose between the language levels 
with the Language:Choose Language menu item.

If you're running MzScheme or MrEd directly, only one language level 
is available to you: the MzScheme language level.

Let me suggest that for the most comprehensive and friendly 
environment, you use the DrScheme application, and not MzScheme, 
MrEd, or DrScheme Jr.

If by "evaluation language" you mean something other than "language 
level," then I apologize and I don't understand your question.


john clements

PS. if you (or anyone else) are having trouble starting DrScheme or 
MrEd v102 on a Macintosh, please make sure to download DrScheme 102 
release 2 for the Macintosh, available now at 