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Introducing foo-ml (long, but you can let DrScheme read most of it)

foo-ml stands for Functional Object Oriented Markup Language.

I decided to give it a fancy name so that I could impress people. :-)

I started learning XML but was unimpressed and got bored with it right away.
Perhaps if I had stuck it out and read a few chapters I might have come to
appreciate it a little more. But I didn't. Instead I got inspired and came
up with my own markup language.

Anyway, here's the core parser for the language:

(define (eval-markup mu i-port)
  (send mu end-tag? i-port
        (lambda (i-port)
          (send mu markup? i-port
                (lambda (i-port)
                  (eval-markup mu i-port))))))

Shriram was the one who told me that I shouldn't waste my time writing big
parsing routines. In his words, i-o should be "one-liners" or
So blame Shriram if my parser is too puny.

Oh, yeah, the parser won't make much sense without explaining what mu is. mu
stands for
MarkUp and it should be an instance of a class that follows this interface:

(define markup<%> (interface () end-tag? markup? reduce))

This should all come to life with an example. So to give it whirl, follow

1. Copy the interface definition and the parser into the definitions window.
2. Copy the following classes into the definitions window:

(define markup%
  (class* object% (markup<%>) (mu)
      [end-tag? void]
       (lambda (i-port otherwise)
           ((char=? (peek-char i-port) #\()
            (read-char i-port)
             (let ([the-markup (read i-port)])
                ((symbol? the-markup)
                 (make-object (eval the-markup) this))
                ((list? the-markup)
                 (apply make-object (cons (eval (car the-markup)) (cons this
(cdr the-markup)))))
                (else (error "invalid markup")))) i-port))
            (reduce i-port)
            (otherwise i-port))))]
      [reduce void])
    (sequence (super-init))))

(define i-port%
  (class* markup% (markup<%>) ()
       (lambda (i-port otherwise)
         (if (eof-object? (peek-char i-port))
             (otherwise i-port)))]
       (lambda (i-port)
         (read-char i-port))])
    (sequence (super-init 'ignore))))

(define document-with-o-port%
  (class* markup% (markup<%>) (mu o-port)
       (lambda (i-port otherwise)
           ((eof-object? i-port) (error "Should be a closing paren befor the
           ((char=? (peek-char i-port) #\))
            (read-char i-port)
            (fprintf o-port "</html>")
            (eval-markup mu i-port))
           (else (otherwise i-port))))]
       (lambda (i-port)
         (write-char (read-char i-port) o-port))])
    (sequence (fprintf o-port "<html>")
              (super-init 'ignore))))

(define section-with-o-port%
  (class* markup% (markup<%>) (mu title o-port)
       (lambda (i-port otherwise)
           ((eof-object? i-port) (error "Should be a closing paren befor the
           ((char=? (peek-char i-port) #\))
            (read-char i-port)
            (eval-markup mu i-port))
           (else (otherwise i-port))))]
       (lambda (i-port)
         (write-char (read-char i-port) o-port))])
    (sequence (fprintf o-port "<h1>~a</h1>" title)
              (super-init 'ignore))))

(define par-with-o-port%
  (class* markup% (markup<%>) (mu o-port)
       (lambda (i-port otherwise)
           ((eof-object? i-port) (error "Should be a closing paren befor the
           ((char=? (peek-char i-port) #\))
            (read-char i-port)
            (fprintf o-port "</p>")
            (eval-markup mu i-port))
           (else (otherwise i-port))))]
       (lambda (i-port)
         (write-char (read-char i-port) o-port))])
    (sequence (fprintf o-port "<p>")
              (super-init 'ignore))))

;takes markup-with-o-port and "binds" it to your favorite port
(define (bind-markup-to-port mu-class% o-p)
  (class* mu-class% (markup<%>) (mu . attributes)
    (sequence (apply super-init (append (cons mu attributes) (list o-p))))))

(define document% (bind-markup-to-port document-with-o-port%
(define section% (bind-markup-to-port section-with-o-port%
(define par% (bind-markup-to-port par-with-o-port% (current-output-port)))

3. Now you need a sample file. Here's mine. I call it "test01.fml":

 ((section% "Flowers")
  (par% The first section is all about flowers. Pretty much I'll just
       have this introductory paragraph with a few sentences and
       then have a few more paragraphs, each one concerning a different
       kind of flower.)
  (par% Roses are the high-end flower. They're very beautiful and often have
       a wonderful aroma. Roses are the flower you choose for special
       like weddings, funerals and mother's day.)
  (par% Daisies are cheep little flowers with white petals and yellow
       Somtimes they're watered in dye so that there petals will take on
  (par% Dandilions are a weed. They grow in your lawn even though you take
great care
       to kill them off. They have ugly unkempt folliage and a rather bland
 ((section% "Cars")
  (par% Oh what the hell, why not just talk about cars. So as before, this
is the introductory
       paragraph, of a few sentences, followed by separate pargraphs each
       with a different kind of car.)
  (par% Honda. Very high quality Japanese car. Lasts a long time, easy to
drive, fuel efficient
       and above all reliable.)
  (par% American cars. Just plain crappy. They don't last. They just don't
seem to be as
       well engineered as other cars. The American car companies should have
gone out of
       bussiness back in the eighties except that they have too much
political cloute 
       and the government bailed them out.)
  (par% European cars. Better than American cars. They can be quite high
quality. Usually they
       are more expensive too, so perhaps they cost too much compared to
Japanese cars.))
 ((section% "Random Crap")
  (par% OK, this is just a test document so why not just have random crap in
here. This is the boring
       introductory paragraph of a few sentences and then I'll throw in a
few more paragraphs filled
       with random crap.)
  (par% Dogs crap on the lawn. Some irresponsible people will let their dog
run loose in the neighborhood
       and these dogs go around crapping on other people's lawns. They also
go about mating with each
       other and often begetting strays. If you get too many strays,
sometimes they will pack up and
       attack children. People who let their dogs run about loose should be
decapitated immediately
       without trial.)
  (par% The Addresss Book Application allows users to access information
such as phone numbers, 
       street addresses, and e-mail addresses for both work and home
locations. The user may dial the
       phone directly by selecting a phone number from a list.))
 ((section% "Conclusion")
  (par% OK, I'm done now)))

4. Execute the definitions.
5. Enter the following in the interactions window:

(call-with-input-file "test01.fml"
    (lambda (i-port)
      (eval-markup (make-object i-port%) i-port)))

So what's the point of all this?
Well it was fun and educational for me.

Besides that, I wanted a markup language that was as easy to read as the
sample in step 3. 
Pretty much it's just tags and parens. Attributes use quoted strings in the
example, but 
could theoretically use anything that can be read by Scheme --- check out
the markup? method
in markup% to understand why this is true. But mostly it's just tags and
parens which means that
normal human beings readers can read it without immediately going into
syntax shock.

Also, since the end-tag? and markup? methods can be overriden, it allows you
to use anything you
want for delimiters (say if you don't like parens). It also obviates the
need to fuss around
with escape characters and such.

I also have some ideas for validation, but they're not quite well formed yet
and I'm late for dinner. :-)