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Distributing PLT Scheme with RedHat

Dear PLT Schemers:

	We think it would be a coup if PLT Scheme were 
included in the Red Hat Linux distribution.  MzScheme
and DrScheme both run great under Linux.  Unfortunately,
we've gotten stuck trying to make that happen.

	A while back, I created PGP-signed binary and source 
RPM's for DrScheme v.53.  I posted those files to 
http://developer.redhat.com.  To the best of my knowledge,
I followed RedHat's protocol for these submissions.
Despite repeated email messages to RedHat, those files 
never appeared on the RedHat site.  And after the first 
message or two, I never received any response from RedHat.

	Has anyone on the list had success with the
RedHat Developer Net?  How can we get PLT Scheme into
the RedHat distribution?  You use PLT Scheme ... shouldn't

-- Paul

| Paul Steckler              |     Rice University PLT           | 
| steck@cs.rice.edu          |     DrScheme Project              |
| Tel:  713/348-3814         |     http://www.cs.rice.edu/~steck |
| FAX:  713/348-5930         |     *** Ad astra per hackera ***  |