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Re: [Q] HOWTO redirect a i/o-port in Unix??
>>>>> "MF" == Matthias Felleisen <matthias@cs.rice.edu> writes:
MF> [..snip..]
MF> Whatever is a special-purpose need should probably be built as an
MF> extension. We are willing to help with this, and even accommodate where
MF> possible. For example, I could see a bunch of Unix/Linux users agree on a
MF> plan to add a library of Unix/Linux specific i/o stuff. They could set up
MF> interfaces and split the work. Ideally, the library should go back to our
MF> contributions site.
This is a good idea and I am willing to contribute. Anybody else? The problem
with me is that in adition to lack of time (which everyone else complains also)
I am a Scheme beginner. Some areas like proper use of MzScheme module system,
custodians, PLT mixins ... are still a shaky ground to me. I would feel more
comfortable if someone on the PLT team could peer-review my code for sanity.
MF> ;; ---
MF> In a nutshell, we write each function with
MF> 1. a data analysis/data defs, if necessary
MF> 2. a type signature, purpose statement
MF> 3. a function definition (examples, template, body)
MF> 4. a test suite developed from examples that we made up *before*
MF> we write the function
Whenever I have time I am going through MzScheme source code (both C and Scheme)
and I beleive it is a piece of quality software. But it does not follow your
recommendations. There are almost no comments, not to mention purpose statement,
data analysis ... (notable exception being "inflater.ss"). Yet the code is quite
understandable, though.
MF> You may know all of this, in which case, just take it as my urge to
MF> teach. If not I am hoping it helps.
Your recommendations are certainly useful and reasonable and I beleive should be
the oath of any computer programmer. But as you could see it is damn hard to
apply the quidelines to 100% of the code one writes even within a PLT group:-)
+ Leonid Razoumov, + E-mail: lrazoumov@qualcomm.com +
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