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Re: [Q] MzScheme and multiple inheritance??
>>>>> "MF" == Matthias Felleisen <matthias@cs.rice.edu> writes:
MF> I am not sure whether or not you know the on-line docs already.
MF> The on-line MzScheme language manual contains a lot of the information,
MF> though w/ less motivatinal background:
MF> http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/packages/doc/mzscheme/node43.htm
MF> You can also just use HelpDesk (DrScheme or stand-alone) and type in
MF> "class" in the search buffer.
Hi Matthias,
I really appreciate and value your time and therefore I always look in Help Desk
and PLT web page before I post to the mailing list. I really find MzScheme
manual to be an excellent *reference* source. It means that it is very helpful
if the concepts are already clear and one is looking for specific details like
number and order of arguments, exact syntax, etc. On the other hand, Reference
Manuals are uneasy places to learn the concepts and their proper use as well
as various trade-offs and related art of effective use of a language. Some sort
of user manuals and HOWTOs would be extremely helpful. I also looked into
several tutorials found in PLT web-space (How to design programs, T-Y-Scheme in
Fixed Num Days, etc) but had bad luck finding details on units amd mixins.
MF> The other kind of things I wrote are published in research papers (that's
MF> how we get our money). Try the paper by Findler and Flatt; it's a pretty
MF> good and simple tutorial on this stuff.
Thank you for the tip. I will certainly read it. Impressive list of Papers,
Dissertations and Technical Reports found in PLT web-page makes me believe that
a lot of documentation is already available in some form. Would it be possible
to have a list of "suggested reading" which points to these documents and is
grouped by a relevant Scheme concept like
MzScheme Mixins and Units:
1). "ICFP 98 Findler and Flatt
Modular Object-Oriented Programming with Units and Mixins"
2). [another excellent paper on units...]
MF> Finally, we're putting together a companion book on "How to Use Scheme".
MF> It will contain chapters on classes/mixins and modules/units. But that's
MF> six months away (at least).
Do you have a draft version available?
-- Leo
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