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Re: Development/Production versions (was RE: CVS)

>>>>> "MF" == Matthew Flatt <mflatt@cs.utah.edu> writes:
    MF> I took a long-overdue look at SWIG. It seems like a decent starting
    MF> point, and it looks relatively easy to go from Guile's interface to
    MF> MzScheme's interface. (Actually, plt/src/mzscheme/guile already
    MF> contains a mapping for of part of the Guile interface to the MzScheme
    MF> interface.)

    MF> The C++ support seems to allow creating C++ instances and calling
    MF> methods, but not deriving a subclass from a C++ class. Adding support
    MF> for subclassing would probably take some work, but it may not be an
    MF> important feature anyway.

Do you mean that the inheritance hierarcy of wrapped glue code does not reflect
the inheritance hierarchy of the original C++ library?

           BaseClass  <----inhereted---- DerivedClass
   WRAPPED_BaseClass  --NOT_inhereted--- WRAPPED_DerivedClass

Am I missing something?


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