I've succesfully cvs the plt repository
but i've some trouble for building from the scratch.
I follow the readme in plt/src/worksp
until i reach:
Then, set up all the other executables (besides mred.exe and mzscheme.exe) by running mzscheme.exe -mvqL- setup.ss compiler It seem that the correct command was : mzscheme.exe -mvqL- setup.ss setup The building of zo files is ok and after i get these error messages: make: Failed to make compiled\info.zo; load-extension: bad version 101 (not 102/8) from "c:\plt\collects\mysterx\ddls\mxmain.dll" make: Failed to make compiler\annotater.zo; unit: used an unbound or non-primitive global in: utils:check-for-keyword/proc delete-file: cannot delete file: "c:\plt\Countdown.exe" ( it is write protected) and so on. When i try to launch drscheme.exe it complain: it can't find mred.exe that is in his directory It will be useful to have something like a rebuild.bat that make this job. |