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RE: Bang

> My students weep unhappily about unusability of '101 under Linux.
> Segmentation fault when launching DrScheme or MrEd. (The compiler
> works, anyway the installation produced the .zo files)
> If I remember well, there were glibc incompatibilities.
> Is there any progress? 
> (The "standard" answer: <<recompile it yourself>> is OK, but those
> complaining students apparently tried and failed)
> But I am not entirely sure that they did it properly, so I ask you
> in any case.

Someone who had problems recompiling under RH 6.1 found the following in 
the compilation docs:

  * Probably the XLIB and/or XINCLUDE directory lists must be

Changing -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 to -I/usr/X11R6/include fixed the 
compilation problem for him.

-- Paul

| Paul Steckler              |     Rice University PLT           | 
| steck@cs.rice.edu          |     DrScheme Project              |
| Tel:  713/348-3814         |     http://www.cs.rice.edu/~steck |
| FAX:  713/348-5930         |     *** Ad astra per hackera ***  |