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Full screen window under MacOS

Is it possible, using the unmodified--i.e. without C wizardry--MacOS
version of PLT Scheme, to create an application window whose _client area_
fills the _whole_ screen? I mean a window without any borders or other
external system elements such as the top menu bar. I ask because at present
I don't have access to a Mac.

Here's some more info about what I'd like to do. The planetarium of Milan,
the largest in Italy (Zeiss model IV machine, 20m dome), has a Mac
connected to two video projectors. The system is used by lecturers to
display pictures and animations during shows.

An important "stylistic tradition" at that planetarium is that all
multimedia content is displayed without any traces of "computer debris" (I
think this expression is used by Edward Tufte) such as menus, buttons,
title bars, etc: just the picture, with a surrounding black background if
it's smaller than the whole screen.

I am investigating the possibility of using PLT Scheme for quickly creating
simple visualization applications based on ideas provided by lecturers. But
such applications need to be able to control the whole screen area for the
reason I have explained above.

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