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new web page for libraries

We've created a comprehensive web page of libraries, extensions, and
tools for use with PLT Scheme. The page will include:

 * contributed code,
 * reminders of packages already included in the PLT Scheme
   distribution, and
 * notes on projects that we know to be in development.

The web address is

You'll see that contributed code is severely underrepresented in the
table at the moment, for the obvious reason that we haven't tried to
coordinate contributions in the past. So send me code and I'll add it
to the page!

You'll see, too, that I threw in a little libreadline.a binding for
MzScheme, which I've been using for years. Isn't polished, but it
generally works (at least under Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris).

Finally, Robby and I have been slowly developing a MrEd-based IMAP mail
client called "SirMail". I've used it as my mail client for nearly a
year, now (see the X-Mailer header in this message). While it may never
be a refined application, SirMail might be useful to other people. Or
it might turn into a refined application if other people decide work on

The PLT members have more code like readline and SirMail that we can
release through the new web page. I'll bet you do, too.
