1The sites were stanford.edu (10Mb), uoregon.edu (10Mb), cmu.edu (5Mb), usf.edu, utep.edu, kscy.internet2.planet-lab.org, uni-klu.ac.at, and tssg.org. The last two are on GÉANT; the rest on I2. Only the first three had imposed bandwidth limits. All ran PlanetLab 3.3, which contained a bug which enforced the BW limits even between I2 sites. We used the official BT program v. 4.4.0, which is in Python. All BT runs occurred in February 2007. 5 & 15 minute load averages for all nodes except the seeder were typically 1.5 (range 0.5–5); the seed (Stanford) had a loadavg of 14–29, but runs with a less loaded seeder gave similar results. Flexlab/Emulab hosts were all “pc3000”s: 3.0 Ghz Xeon, 2GB RAM, 10K RPM SCSI disk.