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26.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the use and implementation of the FreeBSD TCP/IP networking stack.

Note: The file unsupported/start_network.c has example code of how to quickly start up your network. Then you may use the socket et al functions in the C library, as demonstrated in socket_bsd.c in the example directory. The file socket_com.c contains the same example but uses the COM interfaces without C library support.

Limitation/pecularity of the current implementation:

We have not yet implemented ``principals'' as described in the filesystem framework. All operations run with full privileges.

oskit_socket_t instances created by the networking stack do not currently implement the following methodsgif: getsockopt, recvmsg/sendmsg

Also, the local loopback interface does not work because it is not properly set up. If you try to connect to or to the local IP address, you'll see a division by zero trap in freebsd/src/sys/netinet/ip_output.c:302 because the if_mtu field is uninitialized. Required fix is to call the required "ifconfig" functions for the loopback interface.

University of Utah Flux Research Group