The Flux Research Group works in software systems. Our
interests and work cover many areas, including both local and distributed
operating systems, networking, component-based systems, programming and
non-traditional languages, compilers, information and resource security, and
even a pinch of software engineering and formal methods. All of our
publications and some
presentations are available. Additionally, we try to
produce and distribute usable versions of the developed
Four of our current projects:
Recent Papers
- ABI Compatibility Through a Customizable Language,
GPCE '10,
October 2010.
- Trusted Disk Loading in the Emulab Network Testbed,
CSET '10,
August 2010.
- Toward Replayable Research in Networking and Systems,
Archive '10,
May 2010.
- Modeling and Emulation of Internet Paths,
NSDI 2009,
April 2009.
- Transparent Checkpoints of Closed Distributed Systems in Emulab,
EuroSys 2009,
April 2009.
- Stateful-Swapping in the Emulab Network Testbed,
Master's Thesis,
August 2008.
- Securing the Frisbee Multicast Disk Loader,
CSET 2008,
July 2008.
- Large-scale Virtualization in the Emulab Network Testbed,
USENIX 2008,
June 2008.
- Towards a High Quality Path-oriented Network Measurement and Storage System,
PAM 2008,
April 2008.
A couple of talks without papers
- Emulab Federation: Issues, Preliminary Design,
Lepreau and Ricci talks at the Testbed Federation Workshop, USC/ISI,
December 2006.
- Emulab: Recent Work, Ongoing Work,
Jay Lepreau's talk at the DETER Community Meeting, USC/ISI, January 2006.
B&W 6-up PDF)
Recent Software Releases
Older Software Releases
CPU Broker 1.2.0,
a reservation-based resource manager for CPU time.
(Oct 22, 2004)
CMI 1.0.0,
a flexible Cross-Module Inliner for C.
(Nov 24, 2003)
- Bees 0.5.1-rc2, a rich active
network execution environment for Java code.
(Nov 13, 2003)
Hourglass 1.0.0, a
synthetic real-time application for measuring scheduling behavior.
(Oct 9, 2003)
Frisbee high-speed disk imager
(June 14, 2003 and later)
- JanosVM 1.0.0, with an
implementation of the JSR-121 Java Isolate API, lazier class loading, stricter class file
checking, stack overflow detection using guard pages, run-time access
checking, a resync with the current CVS version of Kaffe, tests for class
file integrity, chroot()'ing for teams, and many other improvements.
(February 13, 2003)
- Jiazzi 2.2, our component definition
and linking language for Java. (Jul 26, 2002)
- ANTS 2.0.3, the Active Network
Transport System, with new optimizations and many other improvements.
(Mar 17, 2002)
- Janos Java NodeOS 1.2.0, a Java
implementation of the NodeOS API. (Mar 17, 2002)
- Moab ``St. Patrick's Day''
snapshot-20020317, the Janos NodeOS, (Mar 17, 2002)
- OSKit ``St. Patrick's Day'' snapshot-20020317,
with a simple process library and encapsulated NetBSD UVM library.
(Mar 17, 2002)
- Maya, a powerful syntax extension
(macro) system for Java. (Nov 16, 2001)
- Handi-Wrap, a Java language
extension for dynamic aspect weaving. (Nov 16, 2001)
- Knit 1.0.0, released Feb 2000.
Our component definition and linking language for C.
- Flick 2.1, released Nov 1999.
Supports CORBA C++ stubs and TAO, and much more.
- Fluke kernel source, released
Feb 1999.
Relevant Seminars
The group's research is/was sponsored by grants from NSF, DARPA,
Cisco, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, DEC/Compaq, Microsoft, Novell, the
University of Utah, the State of Utah, Nortel, and IBM.