A Framework For Module-Based Language Processors Guruduth Banavar Gary Lindstrom UUCS-93-006 Department of Computer Science University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA March 5, 1993 Abstract A system composed of interconnected modules is a module-based system. We present an object-oriented (O-O) framework for the development of processors for module-based systems, such as compilers for O-O languages, linkers/loaders, and tools for user/system libraries. We claim that this framework, named Jigsaw, can reduce the development effort for such processors and also serve as a basis for interoperability among them. We address the issues of (i) how the abstractions in Jigsaw can be formulated as a framework, and (ii) how Jigsaw can be extended to construct processors for module-based languages, in the context of our prototype implementation in C++. NOTE This paper is now obsolete, having been superceded by Technical Report UUCS-94-035.