We present a symbolic simulation based verification approach which can be applied to large synchronous circuits. A new technique to encode the state and input constraints as {\em parametric Boolean expressions} over the state and input variables is used to make our symbolic simulation based verification approach efficient. The constraints which are encoded through parametric Boolean expressions can involve the Boolean connectives ($\cdot , + , \neg $), the relational operators ($< , \le , > , \ge, \ne , = $), and logical connectives ($\wedge , \vee $). This technique of using parametric Boolean expressions vastly reduces the number of symbolic simulation vectors and the time for verification. Our verification approach can also be applied for efficient modular verification of large designs; the technique used is to verify each constituent sub-module separately, however in the context of the overall design. Since regular arrays are part of many large designs, we have developed an approach for the verification of regular arrays which combines formal verification at the high level and symbolic simulation at the low level(e.g., switch-level). We show the verification of a circuit called {\em Minmax}, a pipelined cache memory system, and an LRU array implementation of the least recently used block replacement policy, to illustrate our verification approach. The experimental results are obtained using the COSMOS symbolic simulator.