Job Opportunity!

January 28, 2016

Title: Research Help with Importing and Processing PDF Data

Rate: $14/hr
Desired skills: Comfort with using Python. Knowing JavaScript or
having a NLP course is a plus, but not necessary. Attention to detail.

Task Description: We need an extra hand to help us building a database
of security- and privacy-related conference papers. The job will
involve: (1) website scraping to download papers and information about
them like authors, session name where it was presented, etc; (2)
converting pdf versions of papers to text formats; and (3) doing some
preprocessing on the text versions so that we can apply NLP tools to
analyze them. All the scripts needed for doing this are already
available in Python. So, we prefer someone who knows Python. But,
others who are confident that they can finish these tasks with other
languages are welcome to apply.

To Apply: Send over an unofficial transcript and details about any
extracurricular projects you’ve posted on github, etc., to and